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Meditation: Say Yes To God

“I don’t require anything else of you. All I need is your yes.” — God

I was minding my own business, but then God popped up and whispered those words to me. That was the most random thing ever! To tell you the truth though, I got a little anxious when He said those words to me.  God has a very good track record, that much I know. He has proven Himself to be faithful, true, caring, honest, loyal and good. But let’s be honest, saying “yes” to God is oftentimes very scary! It’s scary because you don’t always know what He is doing, and even if you do feel like you know, you don’t get all the puzzle pieces all at once.  I’ve come to realise is that saying yes to God requires trust, and that is what God requires of us in this season. He wants us to trust that when we give him our yes, without knowing what will happen, He will take good care of us… and that’s a fact! For some, the yes that is required will be very different. But God wants us all to say, “Yes! I will keep trusting you!”

It is not your duty to worry about what will happen tomorrow or 3 months from now. I can tell you that worrying about the future is a burden no one should carry. If you’ve already given into anxiety and worry, I pray that you will do as the scripture says: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” Philippians 4:6. And, with the scripture in mind, working on managing that anxiety. Be anxious for nothing, for God will enable you to do what He requires of you.

Friend, “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” It will be well with you and everything that concerns you. Don’t be afraid to step out into the unknown. Say yes to God,  and move forward into what you believe He is asking of you.

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