
Meditation: To God be the glory

We may be trying to share the glory of God. Have you ever tried to do that? Not intentionally, but maybe you’ve tried taking credit for something that really belongs to God. Somebody sees you on stage leading worship, and it’s one of those times when you do it really well; people lift their hands, cry, and even kneel down. They are able to really lean into God as you lead. Afterwards, someone comes up to you and says, “You have such a beautiful voice and you lead so well. I’m so impressed.” Well, you can handle that graciously, and I assume you would. But in your heart, do you take any credit for that?”  Are you quick to give God glory for what He’s doing in and through you?

The other day I was reminded that in all I do I must do for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). At no point should we take any glory for ourselves? The bible does say that “Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By this power, he can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine” Ephesians 3:20. God also says in Isaiah 42:8 that He is the Lord and He will not give his glory to another or His praise to idols. 

I know there are times when we may feel like we’ve “done it.” We get caught up in the praise of men and forget that it really isn’t us. We forget that God is the one who is at work in us. We forget that it is because of Him why we have immense success. We forget to acknowledge Him and the goodness He has done. We forget to say thanks.

The Lord reminded me that nothing I have done would have been successful without his doing. Sure, I put in the work and do all I can, but that does not always mean that success is guaranteed. 

Upon remembrance of the scripture, I had to stop and do a heart check. Many times we unknowingly give into the praises of men, so it is very good when we are reminded of truths like this. The scripture says, “For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.” (Matt. 6:13) At any given point in our lives, we are either living like all glory and power belongs to God, or we’re living as if those things belong to us.

It is very important that we ask ourselves these questions: What is driving me? What is my motive? Why am I doing this? Do I want Him to have the glory, or do I want glory for myself? These questions will help us to always keep ourselves in check. As children of God, at no point do we want to say to the world, “This is me; this is all my doing.”

2 thoughts on “Meditation: To God be the glory”

  1. Thank you My Sister for availing yourself to the Holy Spirit that you can be a beacon to lead others to the light of Christ. May God continue to fill your cup that you be a blessing to others. God bless you.

    holy S

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