
Only The Fruitful Are Pruned

Do not despise your season of pruning. You are being pruned because you are already fruitful.

Focus scriptures: 1 Peter 1:6-9, John 15:1-8 & James 1:3

A wise vinedresser doesn’t let his fruit grow wildly on its own. In order for you to produce good fruit, he must follow the established rules of pruning by cutting away your dead or overgrown branches to encourage growth. Before your grapes can be made into wine, pruning must occur. Like the branches in Jesus’s story (John 15:1-8), we’re all unique, and our pruning won’t look the same. 

God prunes us differently, and so some of us may experience loss of finances, possessions, impact, influence, position, stature, relationship, or opportunity. To be pruned is to lose the basis upon which everyone around you measures you as successful—and that’s hard. But beloved, this is a process we entrust to him, knowing that he is good and at work in our lives.

Loss on multiple fronts produces fear, brokenness, weariness, anxiety, distrust, and despair. The temptation then comes for us to give up or draw back into seemingly safe, familiar, comfortable, or controlled environments. The temptation comes for us to draw back into self-preservation and our unhealthy ways of living. In the vulnerable moment of pruning, the enemy whispers to us to give up and draw back from the purpose of God. Can you imagine the words of the evil one to Peter after his denial of Christ? Peter, you’re a failure! Your life had so much promise, but now you’re nothing! You’ve wasted it all. Fisher of men? Ha! You’re nothing, Peter! Go back to your old life before the Master called you! At least you could succeed at that! Ugh!! What lies the enemy tells!!

In your weak and vulnerable moments, the enemy will always try to speak lies into your ear but you have to stay alert and reject them. The enemy wants to have you think that the Lord is not good to you, when in fact He is. The Father prunes those He loves. John 15:2 says, “Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” The Father only prunes the branches that bear fruit. You’re being pruned because you are already bearing fruit. You are not being pruned because you failed but because you are succeeding. Only the fruitful branches are pruned. Whatever you lose because of your pruning is not the result of your failure but of your success. Be encouraged, beloved. More fruit is just around the corner!

Paul also encourages us not to grow weary in doing good, and that through many tribulations the saints will receive the kingdom. James exhorts us to be patient in endurance and establish our hearts for the coming of the Lord. Do not draw back on the day of trial. Do not go back to the comfort of a risk-free life! That is not an option. Refocus instead of retreat.


  1. How can I ensure that I navigate my pruning season well?
  2. What is the Lord teaching me in this season?

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