
Remain Watchful & Alert

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13 (NASB)

1 Corinthians 16:13 is Paul’s closing words to the Corinthians. They are designed to encourage Christians to watch, to be on the alert, to stand firm in the faith; to act like men and to be strong. Paul is urging the believers at Corinth to be of one mind and to make sure that all that they say and all they do is done in love.

By now, every Christian should know the importance of watching and being alert. Our enemy, as the scripture puts it, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). His plan is to, “steal, kill, and destroy” John 10:10.  It is a must that we remain watchful and alert because we are surrounded by many false apostles; false prophets, false teachers, deceitful workers and doctrines of demons. All such things started to infiltrate the church in the time of Paul and seem to have exploded into multiple fragments of falsity, within today’s apostate churches.

The scripture also tells us that the evil enemy, who is called the devil and Satan, will also try to approach us as an angel of light—through the medium of deceptive people, false apostles and deceitful workers, who pretend that they are of Christ—but their witness and faith is compromised. In light of that, it is of utmost importance that we remain alert, and watchful against the enemy of our soul—not only for ourselves but on behalf of all our brothers and sisters in Christ, so that together we keep looking to Jesus, our blessed hope. 

Keep in mind that a person who is watchful and alert is prepared and ready to welcome his guest. Are you prepared to welcome your guest?

Like the Corinthians, we are called to stand firm in the faith, act like men, and be strong. Now, ladies, do not bail out at this point. Paul’s instructions here are for everyone, not just men. Paul telling us to “act like men” is the same as telling us to “be courageous”. Do not be afraid, but instead stand firm in your faith. Be unmoved because you know intimately that which you believe. Fear is not of God, so go your way in boldness and courage. 


  • Are you prepared to meet your guest?
  • In what ways can you ensure that you are alert and watchful in this season and the seasons to come?

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