
Set Apart: Be An Example

As God’s children, we are set apart to be an example to those around us. Whatever we do here on earth must motivate other people to want to love and serve God. 

As a professing Christian, if you don’t already know, people who are unsaved and even saved are watching your walk with Christ. Yup! It’s true. I know…the pressure, right?! But the reality is that they want to know, “Are you the real deal?” and “Are you someone that I can follow to lead me to Christ?” And for others’ who have been saved for quite some time but are interested in growing spiritually, they may be watching your obedience, endurance, perseverance, how you overcome struggles and pain in your life, and how you handle your relationships.

What I’ve come to understand is that people won’t do anything differently if all they see is the same thing every single day. If all you see all the days of your life is someone who smokes, then it’s highly likely that one day you will begin smoking. But imagine people seeing followers of Christ living as how they ought to? Thousands would follow suit.

1Timothy 4:16 says, “Keep a close watch on yourself and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right, and God will save you and those who hear you.” As Christians, we have a daily responsibility to not only live this life for ourselves but to also teach it to others by the way we live. Keep in mind that in this Christian life, we are always on display. Our character is on display whether we are at home, church, work, school, or in the community, people are trying to follow a godly example, not a bad one. If people see us one way here and another way there, that sends mixed signals to them. In all you do, ensure that your life is pointing others to Jesus.

The list can go on and on, but the point is that we need to examine ourselves to see what type of light we are reflecting on others. Believe it or not, people watch us daily. Granted, we’re all a work in progress, but we still must keep in mind that we could be the first true Christian example they meet. So do all you do to honour Christ daily.

Questions for reflection:

Is your life pointing others to Christ? What example do you set for those around you?

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