
Set Apart: How does it look?

What does being set apart look like? Does it look like doing what the world does, but with moderation? Does it look like cutting off friends who are non-Christians? Does it look like not drinking alcohol or smoking a cigar? I’ve come to realise that our understanding of being set apart is subconsciously focused on the things we did or do not do. It’s almost like a race against the people around us. Being ahead of the pack makes us feel comfortable in our relationship with the Lord. What we do and do not do is not all there is to being set apart.

Being set apart is living selflessly, walking humbly, loving mercifully, serving sacrificially, and giving extravagantly. Living a life that is set apart should not look like us trying to have people say, “Wow, look how much farther ahead they are from their peers and how different they are from the world around them.” Our goal should be for people to look at us and say, “Look how much they look like Jesus!”

When we live lives that are set apart, we can’t love the spirit of the world. We have to, “be in the world but not of it.” Jesus prays in John 17, “I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world” (John 17:15-16). Jesus calls us to be in the world, but not of the world. This prayer of Jesus cautions us against seeking refuge in Christian isolation. Our goal is to be in the world but not of it nor of the evil one. If we were taken from the world, the world would be in utter darkness and would perish; Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” So, shine. If we were taken from the world, the world would not have us as a witness. So instead of cutting off or avoiding the company of non-christian friends, why not, with the leading of the Holy Spirit, be the light that leads them to Christ?

While you’re in the world, be sure to stand firm in the truth of who you are. Remember that you’re called to live a set-apart life, so don’t be easily influenced by the things and people around you. Be the influencer! Aim to be like Jesus in every way—set apart from the world in deed, character, and nature.

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