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Set Apart: Nothing wrong with it!

I was reading an article the other day and came across a quote that really struck me. This is what it said: “There is no point to a life in Christ if we lose the one thing that makes us different from the world. God wants you to display a life that shows how wonderful salvation is.” – Janelle Anthony Breckell

This made me stop and think for a moment. In today’s culture, it’s so easy to blend in. We think by “blending in” that we’ll somehow lead others to Christ. They’ll think Christianity is “cool” because we do what they do. We try to blend in because we don’t want to be rejected by others. We try to blend in because we don’t want to lose friends. Some of us even get to the point of compromising our walk with Christ just to fit in. But if we think about it, what message is that portraying to the outside world? It sounds to me like that’s saying, “If you decide to follow Jesus, that’s cool. You can even keep doing what you’re doing right now.”

Beloved, there’s nothing wrong with being set apart. It’s actually a very beautiful thing! The idea of being set apart does not sit well with many, I know. Being set apart does come with suffering, but there’s an eternal reward waiting for those who endure this life. So don’t feel bad or allow others to make you feel bad for choosing to live a life that is holy and set apart. Remember we live for an audience of one. What people think shouldn’t matter and will not matter when you’re presented to Christ. What will matter is how you chose to live your life. 

Don’t be afraid to go against the norm of today’s culture. You may be hated for that, but don’t worry. Jesus did say, “If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own. However, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of it, the world hates you.” John 15:18-19.

As you go into the weekend and into next week, pray about where God might want your light to shine a little brighter. How can you be salt and light and bring the hope and power of Jesus to those around you?

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