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Taking Care of Yourself: Spirit

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Photo by Madison Inouye on

First, what is self-care and why is it a trend today? 

Men and women of all ages believe that self-care is an important part of making healthier lifestyle choices. It is something that a person does regularly or often that helps them live and sustain a healthy life. Now more than ever, it’s a term that has become wildly popular — especially among millennials. But Why is it so trendy today? 

I am beginning to realise that more and more people are paying attention to their needs, and subsequently creating more opportunities  & space for healing and recovery from the things they may struggle with. Self-care isn’t a bad thing, but I want to ensure that when we hear, think or speak of it, we think of all areas of our lives. More people are having open discussions about mental health struggles, more people are opening their eyes to the importance of physical wellness, and that’s ok, but I want us to value spiritual health as much as our mental and physical health.

How can we take better care of our spirits?

When I say “take care of our spirits” I am not talking about the practices that are being done today. Though some of these practices aren’t bad in and of themselves, I must point out that spiritual self-care has different meanings for different people. Some people associate spiritual self-care with religion or cultural traditions. In this case, observing rituals, attending religious services or ceremonies, and studying religious texts. Some people even go as far as doing things that help them to “spiritually connect” to the universe. However, as a follower of Jesus Christ, when I say spiritual self-care, all I’m saying is this: feed your spirit with the Bread of Life — Jesus Christ. 

It is my belief that the spirit is the most important part of our entire being because it’s through our spirits we connect with God. Because the spirit is the most important part of our entire being, it is of utmost importance that we take care of it daily. We need to spend time in God’s word; spend time praying & connecting with Him. We need to allow Him to daily breathe life into us. Radio has a receiver within it and when the receiver malfunctions, it cannot receive the radio waves. We are like radios, and our spirit within us is like a receiver. If our spirits are broken and are not being fed, it simply means that we will not be able to receive from our God. Imagine living a life that’s disconnected from its life source! That pretty much sounds like living like a dead person to me. 

Do not be like a man who cares only for the outward body; value the health of your spirit just as much. Take care of your spirit by feeding on The Word — Jesus Christ. Take care of your spirit by staying connected to the Vine; abide daily in Him and He will abide in you.

Finally,  do a spiritual detox. Life can toss us to and fro; beat us down and leave us battered and torn. Before we know it, we are in serious need of a spiritual detox — cleansing and recalibrating. When our spirits are cleansed and recalibrated, we are able to more clearly hear from God. Whether in the loud storms or the drenching rains, we are able to run the race before us with excitement in our hearts — pursuing things unseen as we walk in the way God leads us.

Scriptures to meditate on: Proverbs 20:27 & John 15:4

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