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The Great High Priest Understands

Hebrews 4:15, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are…”

Does God really understand? He tells us in His word not to worry; to take heart, and to have good courage—but does He really understand my struggle and the pain that I feel? Does He know what it feels like to feel alone, and to be woken up in the night by your own tears?

Is this how you feel right now? Do you feel like God does not understand your pain and your struggle? What if I told you that He does understand? What if I told you that He lived through it all? What if I told you that he understands what it feels like to be abandoned by friends? You see, there is nothing new under the sun. Jesus lived through it all. If anyone knows what pain feels like, it’s Jesus.

In His humanity, He experienced the full range of human emotions such as marvel (Matthew 8:10) and sorrow (John 11:35). He experienced hunger (Matthew 4:2), weariness (John 4:6), and thirst (John 19:28). He was abandoned on the cross by His Father (Matthew 27:46). Our God is not out of touch with reality. The Son of Man had nowhere to lay His head (Luke 9:58). He experienced it all! 

Beloved, He understands what you’re going through, and He weeps with you. You’re not alone in your struggle. Nothing you’re going through right now is new to the Great High Priest—He faced it all!

Let this truth comfort you. When He tells you, “Be anxious for nothing” or “Be of good courage” that’s not Him belittling your pain. God does not ignore or belittle the suffering of the needy. He does not turn His back on those who cry out to Him—He listens (Psalm 22:24).

When no one understands, your Great High Priest does, and He can comfort you. Will you let Him?

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