
The Lord Chastens Those He Loves

“For whom the LORD loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.” Hebrews 12:6

The fact that God disciplines those he loves seems to go against what we want as human beings.  Why on Earth would we want to be punished by God and how can God love us if He wants to punish us? It seems like an oxymoron doesn’t it?

Many think that their relationship with God should be all lollipops and gumdrops, and when they are being chastised, they see God as this old unfair guy in the sky waiting for them to screw up so that He can issue His punishment and make their life very miserable. I can understand that because I was once there.

As the scripture says, “The Lord chastens those He loves” (Hebrews 12:6). The discipline of the Lord is all done in love. He does not chasten us because He wants to break us and make us miserable. He does it because He desires for us to be just like Him—wonderfully and fearfully made.

The fact that He Chastens those He loves should bring much comfort to your heart. God loves His children very much, and so He will stop at nothing to make us better. How He chastens us may be different, but it’s all done from a place of wanting us to be rid of everything that’s unholy. 

There are times when the Lord will discipline us severely, but he will not give us over to death. So, do not despise His discipline or be weary of his reproof, for He only does this to those He loves. May the Lord grant you the strength to endure His seasons of discipline, for it is for your own good. Know that through it all, He loves you still. God is treating you like a son when He disciplines you. What son is there whom his father does not discipline?  If you are left without discipline, in which we all have to participate, then you would be considered as an illegitimate child and not a son. 

Think about the times when your earthly father had to discipline you, for whatever reason. He disciplined you and you respected Him. So shall it be with God, your heavenly Father? God disciplines us so that we may share his holiness. I know that at the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness and holiness, to those who have been trained by it. So, may you receive the grace to lean in?

Consider yourself as blessed, for the scripture says, “Blessed is the man whom God disciplines and whom He teaches out of His law” (Psalm 94:12). 

Question for Reflection: What affirmation could you take away from this devotional today? Think about it and use it to affirm yourself.

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