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The Waiting: The Benefits of Waiting

Not everything can be fixed by shortcuts, microwaves, and time-saving life hacks. Waiting can be a long and painful fact of life, and nobody gets a lifetime pass to the front of the line. If you’re waiting, it’s because we all do. When I am in a season of waiting, I seem to notice the passing of time only in a negative way, like it’s slipping through my fingers and I can’t stop it. Waiting comes with its own difficulties, but it also comes with great rewards.

In your season of waiting, if you give God the room to work He will do something unique in your heart, and the process gives him fertile ground to do what needs to be done.

  1. A season of waiting can reveal what’s underneath our surface. It may reveal impure motives, lack of faith, impatience, etc. But when these things are revealed, it’s not for you to feel condemned, it is an opportunity for you to grow and be more refined into the image and likeness of God. It gives God the opportunity to work the fruit of the spirit in you. So when these things are revealed to you, welcome them with open arms. What has your season of waiting revealed to you? Have you given God room to work on those things with you?  
  2. Waiting creates space for us to grow deeper in intimacy with the Lord. If you see your season of waiting rightly, then you will see that it is an awesome opportunity that you can use to deepen your relationship with the Lord. When we wait upon God, we first of all long for God. Out of longing for God comes listening to God. Out of listening to God comes living upon God. So use this time wisely. Spend time in the word, pray; listen and walk closely with your Father.
  3. Waiting on God forces us to cast our eyes rightly to Jesus as the source of our faith and the assurance of our salvation. Waiting reminds us that Jesus’ death and resurrection are the reason we can be filled with and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Trials cause us to persevere by deepening our knowledge of God and relying on him more intentionally. As James 1:2-4 tells us, it is through trials that our faith grows to maturity. Our problem is that we do not often think that our trials are producing something far more precious than mountains of gold. Our trials appear to be a nuisance, but they produce a faith that cannot easily be moved. In your season of waiting, deliberately connect the dots. Here are the dots, tribulation and testing result in endurance and proven character, and proven faith and character result in hope.

I hope you have been encouraged to not despise this season of waiting. At the end of the day, if you wait well by ensuring that your heart is in the right posture, you trust that God knows what He is doing, and not lose faith, it is guaranteed that you will come out of this season leaning on your Beloved.  May grace abound to you more and more in this season. May you be able to sense the presence of your good Father walking with you on this journey. May you trust and believe that your Father is faithful, and that every promise that He has made towards you will come to pass.


  1. How will you ensure that you are waiting well in this season?
  2. Write down the ways in which you aren’t waiting well, and then write down how you can work on them.
  3. Commit to work on them.

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