
Walk in your purpose

Beloved, what is that the Lord has called you to do? What has He been talking to you about in the midnight hours? Why do you keep hesitating? Why are you in doubt? You may be wondering why the Lord has yet to answer the many questions about why, when and how you should do a particular thing—don’t wonder anymore. Go back to the word He gave you. Think of the conversations you both had. Go back to your journal. Do you now realise that the Lord already gave you that answer you are still seeking? Now it’s time to get up and go walk in your purpose. 

As we approach the new year, think about these things. Think about your purpose and not so much about the resources that you will need. Yes, these things are important, but they are not yours to worry about. Matthew 6:25-27 says, “…do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Are you not more valuable than the birds of the air? Why then do you worry about whether or not the Lord will provide all that you will need? Why not trust the word that He gave you? Why not trust that the good Lord, whose thoughts are not your thoughts and ways, not your ways? 

Trust the Lord and put your confidence in every word that comes from His mouth. He is a promise keeper, and He tells no lies. Follow purpose; seek after that which the Lord has called you to, and watch everything else fall into place. Do not allow your fears, doubts, and the other voices to keep you in a place of disobedience—that’s stressful. 

Consider these things as you prepare yourself for the new year. Trust in the Lord. Live from the secret place. Walk confidently. Pursue purpose, and may the good Lord keep you in perfect peace. 

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