But how? How can a woman keep herself pure? Psalm 119:9 says, “By guarding it according to the word of God.”
I got baptized at the age of 8 but didn’t start living for the Lord wholeheartedly until I was age 20. At age 20 there was always a lingering question in the back of my head: How do I become a woman of purity? The question wasn’t about my past, it was about my future. I know that the Lord rescued me from a life of sexual sin, shame, lies, and just impurity in general, and I understand that Jesus forgave me. However, I didn’t want to go on making the same mistakes in the future.
My question was a vital one. We live in an age that not only mocks sexual purity but also confronts us at every turn with temptations aimed to lead us away from God. My question was also important because there are so many like me who assumed purity isn’t really possible.
Ladies, let me just say – Purity is possible! If God can redeem my past, and make it something beautiful, He can do so for anyone. I was a train wreck in this area prior to trusting Jesus but from the time I surrendered my life to Him at age 20, to this point in life I committed myself to walk in purity. By the power of God’s Holy Spirit and with a whole lot of grace, I am able to honour this commitment. I’m not saying I’m doing everything perfectly, but throughout this journey, I learned some simple, yet valuable lessons that I get to share with others today.
Lessons I’ve learned:
- This purity journey will never work when we surround ourselves with people who aren’t like-minded in our pursuits. If you are trying to walk in purity and the people you spend the most time with are people who are doing the opposite; they joke a lot about your beliefs, they cross boundaries that you have set for yourself, and they simply do not believe in your values. Then, sooner or later, you will start to compromise and settle for things that are dissatisfying in your life.
- Your personal convictions are real, do not compromise! God has given us standards and principles from His Word to protect us and to guide us, motivate, and help us to lead godly lives. They define who we are and provide direction with solid straight lines that don’t veer off track to accommodate circumstances or temptations.
Ladies, living under God-given, righteous convictions is the only way to avoid the sin and heartache that comes from adopting society’s ways and values. So, I pray that we would have the courage to stand alone if we need to, and do what is right.
Like me, I know many of you compromise your convictions. We do wrong even when we know what’s right. Why? because of the fear of criticism, rejection, and losing friends. But let me tell you this, sacrificing righteous standards to please others will only result in the loss of all that God has planned for you. It is much better to live for Christ and follow His commandments so we can receive His best.
As God’s people, it’s time for us to take a firm stance for our faith and convictions no matter what the consequences may be. Our priority is to be pleasing to Christ so we can stand in the judgment having been faithful to Him and His Word.
Heart Check:
- What does being pure mean to you? Do you think it is something we are all called to?
- Search the scriptures. What does it say about being pure? How can you apply those scriptures to your daily life? Here’s a scripture to start you off – 1 Peter 1:15-16.
- What unwavering convictions do you have that govern your life? What conditions or situations might tempt you to compromise your standards?
- What negative consequences might result from your compromise? What are the long-term benefits of staying true to Christ and His Word?
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Angelisa is a Jesus enthusiast, Worship leader & Christian youth leader. She considers herself to be the old-fashioned type of girl who loves spicy food and belly bottom laughter. Among her passions are singing, working with children, and encouraging others.