
Woman Of The Word : Day 1

Our prayer in this day and age should be, “Lord, make me a woman of the word.” We need to ask God for the grace to feast on it; to value it, talk about it, contemplate on it, apply it to our daily lives, and study it day in and day out. When we commit to being women of the word, many of our days will be unexpectedly shaped by truths found in it. Our gaze will then be settled on our God, on his story, on his plans. The word will take our eyes off of our emotions and our days, and lift them up to high hills and the things of God. 

The word of God will shift our gaze in a way that we begin to see our life through the lens of the glorious story that God is telling. Oftentimes when we read the word, some things don’t readily connect with us, so we simply read it and move on. Later, sometimes weeks or months later, it comes burning to the front of our minds with meaning and relevance. Now we know why God had us read about complaining in the wilderness last week. Now we know why He wanted us shaped by laments in the Psalms. Now we realize He was strengthening us with some real hope that we barely even noticed while we read. Now we realize that He was giving us the grace needed to go again. The more the word connects directly to our lives, the more we see how living and active it is, and that is why we need to consume it. The more we consume it, the more we see our friends and families strengthened in the Lord for their everyday responsibilities and burdens, the more we see the wonder in what God has given us in His word. 

The word of God revives the soul, makes wise the simple, rejoices the heart, enlightens the eyes, and rewards the faithful hearer (Psalm 19:7–11). The word of God tells us so much about Him. If you want to know more about God, then the best place to know Him is through the word. All that we need to know, and all that we need for life can be found in the word. That is how perfect it is.

Ladies, it is time to dust off that Bible you may have on your shelf. It is not some kind of police sketch made by an observer off in the distance. The Bible is how God himself has chosen to reveal himself to us. Consider it to be a God-inspired sketch of God himself. When we faithfully read and study the word, it will change us. We will be made more like Christ. 

God has given us this incredible gift. May we be ones who meditate on the word day and night. May we be ones who hide it in our hearts. May we be ones who feast on the word. Feasting on the word of God has the effect of strengthening our spiritual immune systems. When someone offers us something that is not true, we know! The way for us to discern what is not true, and to combat the lies of the enemy is through knowing the word. Knowing the word of God is the best antidote for lies. Many are being deceived and led astray because the word is not hidden in their hearts. May we be ones who are planted firmly in the word. May your prayer be, “Lord make me a woman of Your word.”

Question for reflection:

What are some things you could do to ensure that you are feasting on the word daily? Comment below.

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