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How to Transition from Woman to Wife

When God awakens you at 5 am with instructions straight from heaven about a vision that has been tarrying; you know that it is its appointed time (Habakkuk 2:3). God has been speaking to me about the nature of Godly relationships and by extension – Godly Marriages. It says a lot that while typing “Godly Marriages”, I had to question the need to specify that marriages are Godly. Marriage is instituted by God (Genesis 2) but culture and society have implemented their own rules and standards of marriage.

What God is Saying about the Godly Wife

“Woman or Wife?”

Some time ago I heard the question: “Woman or Wife?” buzzing in my spirit.  Then I heard the Lord say: “Many men have not obtained marital favour because of the WOMAN they opted to marry.” Proverbs 18:22 points to the man finding a WIFE. She must be a WIFE in training and in waiting for you to obtain said favour. WOMAN doesn’t automatically equate to WIFE.

The Lord said to me:

When God is preparing a woman to be a Wife, there are certain characteristics that this woman must develop. She must:

God says that our thought processes and actions have been affected by generational mishaps in culture, society, and specific homes. The breakdown has unveiled sexuality issues, an attack on reproductive health, an arrogant display of “the strength of a woman”, and a rise in nonchalance and disregard for establishing strong family units with God’s principles.

The Reality

Women and men have become scarred and hurt. Men have become careless with the responsibility of sex. Women have become fearful of men because their fathers were absent and didn’t set a good enough example.

Let’s start with you and begin to retrain our minds and spirits. Break the cycle and run back to the Godly principles of marriage. Dating/Courting relationships that lead to marriage must have God at the centre. Your body is a temple; be Holy (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Let not your preferences formed by unrealistic expectations, hurt or bitterness override God’s true intent and purposes for relationships.

The Charge

Marriage – God’s way – is a selfless and spiritually rigid pursuit that stretches you to become the model that God wants for the next generation. Will you submit? Can you answer the call? Are you a woman or wife?

Let’s establish God’s truth in relationships and marriages.

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