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You’re a New Creation

I’m a New Creation is one of my favourite gospel songs in the music industry. See the lyrics below and the youtube link for you to listen to it. 

I’m a new creation, I’m a brand new man. Old things are passed away, I am born again. More than a conqueror, that’s who I am. I’m a new creation, I’m a brand new man.

A friend of mine sent this song to me when I was going through a really hard season. At the time I was baptized for about 6 years, but still felt like my past had a grip on me; I felt stained and I just could not shake the feeling. Going to church did not help. Singing the praise songs and being prayed for also did not help. However, this song did something for me that night. The words did something to my heart, and I felt like I was being washed by the Spirit. Many may say that they felt completely renewed right after baptism, but that was not my experience. After baptism, I still struggled with old habits, but thank God for forgiveness. 

That night as I listened to that song, Christ spoke a better word over me. Finally I could say that I am indeed a new creation.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” What does this mean, in practical terms? How is this experienced? What does it feel like to become “a new creation”? Is it scary, or like an out-of-body experience? Are we brainwashed by God? What does it mean to be a new creation, and be given a “heart of flesh” as the prophet says? Becoming a new creation is not like brainwashing; there is nothing frightening about it. It is more like being restored to health or being resurrected. When Adam and Eve sinned, we lost our close connection to God. He, however, made it possible for us to be reconnected to Him through Jesus Christ. He made it possible for His Spirit to dwell in us and flow through us as it was meant to. Upon believing in and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour, you are made new.

At times you may not feel like you have been made new, because you still struggle with old habits, and your past seems to knock on your door very often, but be reminded that you have been restored and made new through Jesus Christ. Sanctification is not a one time thing, it happens over a period of time and will continue to happen until you receive your glorified body. Failing, disappointing, and maybe even betraying Christ does not mean you have not been made new. Remember that the flesh is always at war with the spirit. “The flesh desires what is contrary to the spirit, and the spirit desires what is contrary to the flesh” Galatians 5:17.  Old habits won’t just go like that. It takes a daily surrendering to the work of the Holy Spirit in you. When you do fail, know that the Lord is not condemning you. He instead extends a hand of grace to you for you to keep going. Whatever happens on your journey, the fact that you are a new creation in Christ Jesus does not change. Being a new creation doesn’t mean that you are perfect. It means that you are changed and that you are being changed.

Keep surrendering to the sanctification process; you have been made new, and you are still being made new. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you falter, because there is much grace at the throne of God for you. Woman, go forth and rest in this truth. No matter where you are now, God does not condemn you.

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