Who is a Young Convert? Young converts are people who have recently accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. They have made a public declaration to follow His teachings and live according to His word. Young converts usually attach themselves to a church where they learn the doctrine and what it means to follow… Continue reading Top 3 Reasons why Church is Harder for Young Converts
Author: theanointedwriter
You are Free from the Tongues of Men
It has been a while since I have shared in my Transparency Series. If you are new to this blog and you are unfamiliar with my transparency series; it is where I openly share about specific struggles and deliverance points in my walk with God. This post is inspired by a sermon I heard at my… Continue reading You are Free from the Tongues of Men
5 Reasons Why You Should Give Up & Give In to God’s Will
We all seem to want to identify and live out God's will for our lives. However, many don't know how to. Most individuals believe that there is a clear-cut roadmap to life as a Christian. While it may seem that way, there are many hidden trails and side roads that are missed along the journey.… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why You Should Give Up & Give In to God’s Will
Why I Cut my Locks – Alicia Taylor
Are you struggling with what seems to be a strong urge to cut your locks? Does it feel like God is convicting you about this simple hairstyle that you installed for the fun of it? Let me just say that I am in no way condemning dreadlocks. I believe that we are all on unique… Continue reading Why I Cut my Locks – Alicia Taylor
Why I Cut my Locks – Prophetess Sarah Smith
On Friday March 6, 2018, The Anointed Writer published the post Why I Cut My Locks - Apostle Racquel Jones. This was the first installment of a three-part series highlighting Christian women in Jamaica who wore the dreadlocks hairstyle in variations. What is interesting about these women is that they were commissioned by God to cut… Continue reading Why I Cut my Locks – Prophetess Sarah Smith