the anointed writer

5 Reasons Why You Should Give Up & Give In to God’s Will

We all seem to want to identify and live out God’s will for our lives. However, many don’t know how to. Most individuals believe that there is a clear-cut roadmap to life as a Christian. While it may seem that way, there are many hidden trails and side roads that are missed along the journey.

The Truth

If I know nothing else about the God that Christians pray to; I know that He leads and directs when we are spiritually open to such guidance. We know how to pray “Thy will be done” but fail to know how to act when God is, in fact, letting His will be done. The desire is to ultimately live in accordance with God’s will for our lives. Yet, when He tries to direct, we struggle to fall in line with what God is trying to do.

Let Go

One of the ways in which Christians struggle to align themselves with God’s will is failing to know when it is time to let go. Let go of what you ask? To let go of failing relationships, stagnant job roles, incompetent business partnerships; the list goes on. Many Christians always seem to lack understanding when it comes to moving on.

Did you know that the longer you hold on to something God is trying to get rid of is the longer you will take to get to His will? Can a rugby team win a match if the player with the ball stays in place and holds on to the ball?


Let me testify briefly. I remember when God told me to cut my sisterlocks and refrain from offering the service on a wide scale. It took me a while to accept that word. I grappled with the thought of how I would handle my finances with this huge chunk going missing. I wondered for a while if it was truly God who was directing me. Is this a part of God’s will for my life? For a while, I wrestled with the directive. And I noticed quite a number of things started happening to me.

5 Reasons Why You Should Give Up & Give In to God’s Will

You will become stagnant

I realized for a whole year that nothing at all was happening for me. There was no progress in my career. Advancements in the pursuit of my purpose were nowhere to be found. It was as if God knew the plans He had for my life but they were on pause. Nothing was happening in my walk with Christ. And, everything else was going downhill.

You will experience loss

Do you remember my worry about finances? Well, the very thing I was worried about started to vanish. I was losing money and not making money. Poverty was what I experienced for that entire year. Money could not stay in my hands. Whenever I received money it seemed as if a mighty wind came and blew it straight out of my hands.

You will go through Spiritual Drought

My spiritual life took a turn for the worst. I wasn’t actively doing anything to pursue God. The effects of stagnation and loss left me in a worrying frenzy. I prayed but it was as if God blocked me; there was hardly any connection. He heard me and I could tell that He did. But, where was the embrace? I felt that the connection was missing and I became worried. Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand exactly what was happening at the moment. Was God even interested in me?

Your blessings are delayed

Although “delay is not denial” you cannot convince me that God doesn’t desire to do set things in our lives within a set time frame as part of His will. I believe that certain blessings are time sensitive and failure to act in obedience will forfeit our chances of reaping great rewards. My blessings were severely delayed in this season of my life. I could feel in my spirit that God wanted to do something in me but there was something blocking that move of God.

You will experience a lack of peace

A sense of peace reassures me that I am on the right path with God. If there is no peace in my heart, then I am definitely doing something wrong. Why do I have no peace? What is it that I need to do? During this season of disobedience, I experienced torment. I did not accept that I had to cut my sisterlocks but I was not at peace with my decision not to. My reflections were not images I wanted to look at because I found no beauty in them. I began to struggle to see the true image of myself. All I could see was the disobedience on my head. I identified that I needed to cut my sisterlocks but ignored the fact that I needed to scale down the business. I did cut the sisterlocks but held on to the full operation of the business. Slowly I began to lose clients.

When the Revelation comes…

When the revelation comes you must act in total obedience to the instruction that was given. Partial obedience is still disobedience. I held on to what I thought was financial security; not knowing that God wanted to enlarge my territory. For many of us, the purpose is just outside of our comfort zone. If only we would give up what we are holding on to and give in to God’s will for our lives. The moment I let go of my sisterlocks I realized what God was doing. God wanted to launch me into a new season but my time and focus were tied to sisterlocks.

Isaiah 55:8-9 New International Version (NIV)

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.



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