
Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

The peace of God that surpasses all understanding could be yours. It is not a promise that is far off. This promise is within your reach. This peace that I am talking about… the calm, harmonious absence of conflict is something this world has never known, and will never know until the Holy Spirit cultivates it in us.

One of the greatest human desires is for peace: peace in the nation, peace in the home, peace when we make decisions, and peace between neighbours. Yet our experiences are quite often the opposite. Life comes with far too many struggles that could cause anyone to lose hope. But you don’t have to lose hope every time life throws stones at you. The Lord promises to give you a peace that gives assurance that He is standing in the midst of trouble with you. A peace that keeps you intact when the wind threatens to blow you over. A peace that allows you to sleep while the waters are raging around you.

Philippians 4:7 promises that “The peace of God[the peace that reassures the heart] which transcends all understanding… [the peace that] stands guard over your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus [is yours].” It is all yours! In moments when you feel anxious, worried; seem to be losing heart and mind, and your world seems chaotic, remember that this peace of God is yours.

John 14;27 says, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” The gift of peace that God gives is not like anything that the world gives. It is not a peace that lasts only for a moment. The world’s peace is circumstantial. The world’s peace says: change the circumstances, get rid of the distressing agent, run away, quit. If you cannot get away, meditate, eat, check out. Go to your idols for comfort. This is an unending cycle that requires all of your strength. Jesus’ peace is altogether different and has nothing to do with circumstances. It passes understanding (Phil 4:7). God is in control and he loves you, but you must be in union with him through Christ and the Holy Spirit to walk in perfect peace.

The peace that God gives is the tranquillity of the soul and uninterrupted happiness of the mind. This gift of peace that the Lord has promised us is not like an empty wish or compliment. What the Lord says He does, and what He wishes for you He will give. God is the peace giver, and He is calling you to experience Him as such.

What will you do today? Will you give yourself to God so you can experience His perfect peace?

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