
Fruit of the Spirit: Self Control

What is self control and why is it so important?

Self-control has been defined as the ability to control one’s emotions and behaviour in the face of temptations and impulses. The very concept of “self-control” implies a battle between a divided self. It implies that our “self” produces desires we should not satisfy but instead “control.” We should deny ourselves and take up our cross daily, Jesus says, and follow him. Daily our “self” produces desires that should be “denied” or “controlled.”

Controlling self is something that none of us can do on our own. In fact, with all the Fruit of that Spirit that is listed in Galatians 5:22-23, we need the Holy Spirit’s help. If controlling self is something we think we can do on our own, then we are bound to fail at it. Though we are born again and striving to be like Christ daily, we still have a sinful nature. Imagine depending on your own “self” to control the same. That would be a recipe for disaster!

Daily we are faced with different temptations – The temptation to eat while you’re fasting, to cheat your diet, to get into a relationship with someone you shouldn’t, to take something that does not belong to you, to respond to someone in a manner that is not Christlike, to engage in activities you shouldn’t – you name it! We all know that the flesh wants what it wants. The flesh gives into instant gratification, without the thought that somebody else or you may get hurt. To overcome all these temptations that you are faced with on a daily basis, then self-control is a Fruit of the Spirit that must be developed in you.

Have you been struggling with a particular sin for a while now, and you’re wondering why you have yet to overcome? It could be that you lack self-control. Many of us fall because we lack self-control and we are trying to win the battle against self on our own. We have yet to realise that without Jesus we can never truly hope to live a holy life that is pleasing to Him.

King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 25:28 that, “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.” The picture is that of a city whose walls have been so nearly destroyed as to be without defence against an enemy; so is the man who has no restraint over his spirit, the source of man’s passionate energies. He has no defence against anger, lust, sexual urges, you name it! God wants us to have self-control so that we won’t fall over as the wind blows. In today’s world, self-control is a Fruit that many lack, but that does not have to be your story. God is calling you higher, will you respond? Respond by surrendering and giving God total control so the Fruit of the Spirit can be worked in you!

Thought for today:

In which situations in my life does God want me to show restraint?

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