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How to get over the ‘nobody’s perfect’ mentality

The mentality that nobody’s perfect is killing so many Christians. In my humble opinion, this mentality is employed when people want to continue in their old ways. It is used to justify the reasons why they aren’t living up to God’s standards.

I agree that no one is perfect. If you want perfect, check God! None of us is perfect, because the scripture tells us that, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23. The Scripture also says that “None is righteous, no, not one” Romans 3:10. In a conversation with The Rich Young Man, Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone” Mark 10:18. So yes! You are right when you say “no one is perfect” but that mentality should not be used to justify the reasons why we [christians] fail to live up to God’s standards. This is all I hear when I hear that quite used, “I am not ready to let this thing go” and “I made a mistake, but it’s okay; nobody’s perfect.”

As Christians, we are called to be “Holy as God is Holy” 1 Peter 1:16. Matthew 5:48 also says, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” We are not called to remain as we are when we enter into fellowship with God. We are called to be holy, perfect, pure, and set apart. 

By the power of the Spirit, Christians are to become like Christ. I pray that the Holy Spirit would rid us of this “nobody’s perfect” mentality. Too many of us believe we have some kind of justification for our sin in singing the “nobody’s perfect” song.

Using that truth as a badge of honour or a license for sin does not promote holiness. In fact, it may kill our personal pursuit of holiness.

I challenge you, fellow believer, the next time you’re called out by someone or the scriptures, don’t say “nobody is perfect.” Think about what the Holy Spirit may be saying to you in that moment. Maybe He’s calling you to come up higher? Think about it.

I pray we get to a point where we realize that it’s a lie to say that nobody’s perfect because in fact there is One who came and lived a perfectly obedient life. And through his work done on the cross, we have the power and permission to pursue holiness, because of the Helper who has come to make us like Jesus.

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