Mental Health

Self-Care: Because Your Life Depends on It

When you hear the term self-care what comes to mind? Is it getting your nails done? A full body massage? Maybe dinner at your favourite restaurant? Perhaps, buy yourself something nice because you deserve it? For many, it is as simple as a walk in the park or rereading your favourite book. Whatever your version of self-care is, one can agree that making time for it is important, even more so now.

Unfortunately, most haven’t been able to take their self-care ideas from Pinterest to reality. In fact, self-care may not have even been on your list of things to do. You simply go through the motions of life and rest is limited to scrolling through social media or catching up on your favourite Netflix series.

If you have no idea what self-care is or should be, keep reading. If you’ve gotten this far in this article and would rather read something else, the blog has lots of topics you can explore.

Self-care is any deliberate activity aimed at cultivating emotional, mental and physical health.

Self-care is personal.

Indulging in self-care is an effective way to renew energy, clear your mind and keep you centred resulting in having a greater capacity to accomplish all that you need to.

Self-care is more than the commercialized activities we see in media. It doesn’t have to be very glamorized or expensive. Something as simple as logging out of your social media accounts for a few hours a day or saying no to requests you don’t want to fulfil is enough self-care to keep you balanced, healthy and happy.

But just how essential is self-care to your health?

Imagine a car that is driven daily. Depending on the distance that vehicle travels, it may need to be refuelled once every few days. Maintenance checks will also need to be done over time to ensure that the mechanical system is working properly. Failure to maintain the upkeep of the vehicle will result in poor performance and mechanical problems that are bound to not only drain you but your finances as well. The same goes for our bodies and minds. If we wear ourselves thin trying to accomplish all that we need to, we will end up being run down, burnt out and useless to ourselves and others.

As much as we really want to be productive and successful in every area of life, we need to acknowledge that rest and relaxation are a necessary part of our productivity. Contrary to the 24/7 hustler, go-getter culture we are in, slowing down isn’t synonymous with being lazy nor unproductivity.

Self-care is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. Adequate self-care allows you to recuperate and refresh ourselves.
  2. Engaging in a relaxing activity can help improve or increase your creativity.
  3. You become more relaxed and better prepared mentally to handle tasks that would otherwise be seen as stressors.
  4. It contributes to the maintenance of your mental wellbeing.

For these and other reasons, we should take the time to indulge in the tender love and care (TLC) we need and rightfully deserve. Not sure where to start?

Self-care tip: Jump in bed, grab a book and read while you remove your facial hair.

Here are a few simple ideas to kick start your practical self-care journey:

  1. Become closely acquainted with the word “no” – Saying no can save you trouble later on.
  2. Eat well and get enough sleep – Take time to prepare healthy meals for yourself (there are so many quick bite recipes online – hello Pinterest!) and sleep for at least six hours. Your brain and body will be so grateful and productivity will improve.
  3. Reinforcing or establishing clear boundaries – Teach others to respect your boundaries by what you allow or don’t allow into your space. Instead of allowing the things that hurt or bother you to slide, let those in your life know what is acceptable and what is not.
  4. Free yourself from expectations – Worry less about what other people think and be the best version of you there is. Rather than trying to figure out how to appease the sensitivities and preferences of the people around you, focus on living a purposed life. The truth of the matter is, you will never please everyone and you will never gain the approval of every person you meet. Don’t waste your time trying to fit ideals you were never made for.
  5. Give yourself the best gifts – Don’t shy away or feel guilty about occasionally treating yourself to something you love. Get your hair done, go to the spa, buy those shoes or that new journal you’ve been eyeing for months. Rewarding yourself is in no way selfish or prideful so don’t skimp on it. Give yourself the best gifts, the same way you would give to others. You deserve it!

When all is said and done, self-care is truly an integral part of your mental health and overall wellbeing. So, what are some of the ways you will be practising self-care going forward?

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