the anointed writer

Sisterhood: You need people.

Sisterhood is a bond that goes beyond being family. It connects women to each other, and in its most beautiful manifestations, allows each woman to thrive in ways she could never do on her own. Sisterhood provides a safe space for your truest self to emerge.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Oftentimes, when we hear this verse used, it is done so in relation to marriage. However, the context of this verse references a man who works hard with no one to share his earnings with. It talks about the importance of having someone to experience and enjoy life with. A sister can, and should, be that support for you. 

As women, we need sisters who will intentionally help us to grow and develop into our best self. We need mature, godly women to surround and support us in our different seasons of life. Having sisters around is like having a place where your tears are caught not judged, where you are held not ridiculed, and where it’s okay to not be okay. Sisterhood is also a place to show up, share and heal especially when it feels like your entire world is crumbling around you because, at its core, sisterhood is where YOU are caught, held and nurtured and where you get to do the same for another woman.

We often tell ourselves that we don’t need people, especially other women, but we all crave connection. Not surface-level connection but deep heart and soul centred connection if for no other reason but to know that we are neither alone nor are we the “only one”. We need each other! Ecclesiastes 4:12 shows the principle that having other people in our lives is so much better than living alone.

Sisterhood has the benefit of producing strength. In unity, there is strength. There is help in sisterhood for women who may fall. If you make a mistake, a sister can cover it and maybe help you out so that the error does not hurt you so badly. Sisterhood gives strength because a companion can offer so much help. Get you some godly sisters… they are needed!

Questions for reflection:

  • Do you think sisterhood is important?
  • Do you have sisters in your life that you can truly depend on?
  • How have you grown from having sisters in your life?

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