
Trusting God: Day 5

We have to learn to trust God when we are faced with hardship. He knows how our story will play out. When God says to trust Him, He never disappoints! Trust that He has a plan and that He’s working behind the scenes because He’s always working. Trials strengthen our faith in God. So no matter what you are faced with, choose to trust that God will come through for you.

A prayer for trusting God in hard times

ABBA, You are not a man, that you should lie! ABBA, every word that you have spoken is true! So Lord, help me to trust in your ability and not my own. As your word says, help me to lean not on my own understanding, but to trust you with my whole heart. Help me to trust that your plans for me are good. Your plan is to prosper me and not to harm me. Help me to believe in your promises, for your promises are yes and amen! ABBA, your word says that blessed is the man who trusts in you, whose confidence is in you. Help me to put my trust in you. Please, help my unbelieving heart.

Today I bring before You this difficulty in my life [Name a hard situation you are right now facing]. Help me not to fear but to trust You in this situation. I declare my faith in Your ability to fulfil Your promises to me. You will fight for me and win the battles in my life. Your word says that You never fail. God, You have done it before and you can do again for me! I have nothing to fear with You on my side. I will be strong and courageous even in hard times. I will not be terrified or discouraged, for you will be with me wherever I go! You promise to never leave me or forsake me so this I will believe. I do not need to figure everything out. You already know the best plan for my life. I will not try any man-made method to do only what You can do. I leave everything in Your hands.

God, teach me how to walk by faith. Teach me how to live every day believing that you will take good care of me, for you are a good shepherd. You take care of your righteous ones. You are the giver of good gifts, and no good thing will you withhold from me. Father, today I’m choosing to rest in your promises concerning me. Quiet my anxious heart and give me the grace to continue trusting you. Surely you will see me through. Surely you will cause no harm to come to me. ABBA, thank you for your heart towards me. Amen.

Friends, God is the God of the impossible! We are the ones who limit Him because of our lack of trust and fear of stepping out in faith. My prayer for all of us is that we would truly learn to trust God with everything that concerns us. The bible makes it clear that God never fails, and to be honest, when I look back on my life I can say that He has never failed me yet! God can be trusted!

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