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Top 3 Reasons why Church is Harder for Young Converts

young converts the anointed writer

Who is a Young Convert?

Young converts are people who have recently accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. They have made a public declaration to follow His teachings and live according to His word. Young converts usually attach themselves to a church where they learn the doctrine and what it means to follow Jesus.

Young converts enter into the church. Converts encounter a new environment and must strip away everything they knew about the world and adapt. How the church handles that transition can greatly affect the young convert’s spiritual lifespan. 

Top 3 Reasons why Church is Harder for Young Converts

The Reality of Church – light and darkness

The church is light while the world and its sins are darkness. The simplest mind comprehends that where there is light, darkness cannot be present. Imagine a young convert’s shock and bewilderment when they discover the reality of the church – especially the members. You know, the reality that even the Pastor or the Worship Leader has done far worse than the average man in the life you knew. The church is the good of the world. Why is there so much evil in it? Things like malice, hatred and segregation shouldn’t exist, right?

Lack of Foundational Guidance

Although there are set classes and set times where young converts meet with a mentor or teacher, I don’t believe the mature Christians are really about teaching the reality of Christianity. Much time isn’t spent being real and honest about the journey the young converts are embarking on. Yes God is there and the Holy Spirit will guide but who tells the young convert that the airy feeling they are feeling will not last? Who tells them that the temptations they think will vanish after accepting the call will return days or weeks later? Who prepares them for the reality of Christianity where the friends they had for life suddenly feel it’s best to part ways?

Lack of Love and Understanding

The traditional church has an awful habit of condemnation that totally disregards scriptures like Romans 8 and Ephesians 2. For some reason, only a few sins are worthy of total deliverance. God led Christopher Lawrence (yes the guy from this post) to share some serious insight on the lack of love and understanding young converts from a homosexual past experience. He said:

You are only able to relate to someone about something by understanding it.

Homosexuality and all sexual identities outside of heterosexuality are wrong according to biblical scripture. However, many people in the church speak out against these lifestyles out of hate and ignorance. Hate is not only directed at the act of homosexuality but at the individuals for having engaged in homosexuality.

Three sets are affected:

  1. Individuals in the church who are struggling with homosexuality.
  2. The spiritually bound individuals the church is supposed to reach outside the church.
  3. Young converts currently in the church who engaged in the homosexual lifestyle, lived a sinfully graphic past, and experienced God’s salvation. These individuals struggle to feel loved and accepted by a body of believers who serve the same God you recently made contact with.

The church rarely takes the time to understand the thoughts and hearts of the individuals who made these choices. There are many former gay men and lesbians in the church who feel unwelcomed or rejected. Not because the Holy Spirit is convicting them, but because church folk are condemning them.

Think about that for a minute.

Can many Jamaican Christians say that they genuinely love a brother or sister who has struggled or is struggling with homosexual tendencies? Can you love them just as how Christ loved you while you engaged in theft, envied your brother or coveted your sister’s spouse? Will you love as Christ loves you through your ongoing struggle with your masturbation?

Are you judging others based on their past lives because you have reached the highest pinnacle of Christianity?


The reasons why young converts leave the church as quickly as they arrive are many but simple. Most young converts have a graphic past. There are those who have been emotionally and psychologically damaged. They enter the church and face more damage. How does one pick himself up and continue to face the church? Even Abraham – God’s friend – had challenges following His lead on his own. What strength does a young convert have? Think about it.

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