To the person who had no New Year resolution, clear life-changing goals or new announcements to post at the start of 2019: it's okay. I was never one to write a long reflective post at the start or end of any year. My transparency only runs so deep. Though I am open about many aspects… Continue reading The Ambiguity of 2019
Author: theanointedwriter
Woman or Wife #2 – Delaying Marriage
It's been a whole two weeks (and two days). Your girl is married. Let me just say that marriage is beautiful. The overwhelming joy that I feel in my soul when it's morning and my husband reaches for me with gratitude in his eyes was definitely worth the wait. Gratefulness pours from my heart because… Continue reading Woman or Wife #2 – Delaying Marriage
Freedom is Submission
"The Call to Freedom takes True Submission" is what God wants someone to hear in this blog post. It is never an easy walk submitting to God in all His Glory. A Christian who is serious about this journey will tell you that it is not easy. The victory in the journey is a freedom… Continue reading Freedom is Submission
How to Pray for your Future Husband
Many of you have heard by now that I am engaged to be married. If you didn't know, now you know. In my true Anointed Writer fashion, I had to share my thoughts and experiences with my readers. I have been sharing a bit on my Social Media pages (Facebook & Instagram). Trust me, a… Continue reading How to Pray for your Future Husband
How to Transition from Woman to Wife
When God awakens you at 5 am with instructions straight from heaven about a vision that has been tarrying; you know that it is its appointed time (Habakkuk 2:3). God has been speaking to me about the nature of Godly relationships and by extension - Godly Marriages. It says a lot that while typing "Godly… Continue reading How to Transition from Woman to Wife