If you are feeling low in spirit, depressed, weary, mentally unstable or feeling distant from God, then you may be spiritually oppressed. This prayer is for you. Consecrate yourself, pray this prayer and prepare to walk in your deliverance. Open Confession -> Prayer -> Obedience -> VictoryThe Formula for Deliverance Father in the name of… Continue reading Overcome Oppression: Prayer for the Oppressed
Author: theanointedwriter
Fighting Fear
How many times have you tried to get out of that funk? You know that low energy, uninterested, can't seem to push pass this 'feeling' state. You wholeheartedly make an attempt to pursue that dream or that purpose, only to stumble upon that funk again. What if I told you that that state of nothingness is fueled by your inner fears?
The Reality of Love
For a while now I have been reflecting on love; the concept of love, what individuals understand to be love, and the reality of love. As I journey through my own bouts of discovery as it relates to love, I can't help but imagine how complex the realization of love must be. Especially when it… Continue reading The Reality of Love
When will you PEAK?
I woke up this morning with such a drive; a drive I have not felt in a long while. Maybe it's some form of divine energy being channeled through the culminating days of my 26th year. I was ready to take charge of my week and was feeling rather optimistic. I commanded my morning, I prayed,… Continue reading When will you PEAK?
Christian Men: 9 Tools for Unlocking your Potential
potential /pə(ʊ)ˈtɛnʃ(ə)l/ noun latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness adjective having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future In today's society, the word potential is almost frowned upon. As stated above, the word potential describes qualities that may be developed and lead to… Continue reading Christian Men: 9 Tools for Unlocking your Potential