Dating and Relationships

6 Ways you could be Delaying Marriage

The topic of Christian dating and relationships will never be one-dimensional because the bible doesn't give much information on the topic. The Bible tells you what you need to know about marriage and standard relationships. But, does not show you practical steps to manoeuvre the path to the altar. It is up to you to… Continue reading 6 Ways you could be Delaying Marriage

Dating and Relationships

What is Love | Not a fairy-tale but an adventure by Shackara Evans

After reading the fairy-tales of Cinderella, The Beauty and the Beast, Snow White and The Princess and the Pea while growing up, many formed an opinion of love based on these stories. When the books weren’t enough,  movies caused me to form the perfect picture in my mind about love. Isn't a picture worth a… Continue reading What is Love | Not a fairy-tale but an adventure by Shackara Evans

Dating and Relationships

Treat your boyfriend like your husband

I am observing the narrative about dating  and relationships. It appears that many women think that they can meet a man today, not meet any of his Godly expectations, marry him tomorrow and everything will be peachy. I recently noticed a video being circulated by Jamaican Radio Announcer Miss Kitty. In the video she expresses the differences between husband treatment and boyfriend treatment. For example, she won't cook and clean for her boyfriend but she will for her husband.